Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Living Long

Sit less and live more. Funny. No no its not funny. Researchers showing strong prove of that.
Sitting less than three hours a day may increase your life expectancy by two years, a new study has claimed.
Being sedentary is an independent risk factor and is almost as harmful to health as smoking.
This translates into the fact that no matter how much time a person spends in the gym or how many vegetables one consumes, being on your butt for long periods of time every day can shave years off your life.
Sitting for long period is almost as harmful to health as smoking, saying Researchers.
The scientist aren't exactly sure of how being on feet increases your life span, but previous research has shown that a person's large leg muscles are inactive while seated.
Standing activates these muscles, which helps the body manage blood sugar and metabolism cholesterol.
Ultimately, this reduces the risk for heart disease. A few easy ways to get on the feet after a long week at work includes getting off the couch.
 So whenever you got time, lets go for a walk with your friend or colleague in office premises.

Good luck and God bless your effort.

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